Five introvert planning tips for your upcoming Disney Parks vacation

Introversion Insight:
Introverts are planners. They want to be prepared for what the world has in store for them. They like clear expectations. Let’s avoid surprises at all costs, please. They like knowing how to do things, especially around other people.
Whether it’s your first trip to Walt Disney World or Disneyland or your seventh, planning is sometimes just as fun as the actual trip you take. (All the introverts in the room are nodding their heads in unison.) If you’re an introvert, or you’re traveling with introverts, consider these five planning tips.
Start planning early
Do you struggle with coming up with the right thing to say in the moment? That’s actually pretty common for introverts. Our brains need time to think and process. The same can be said about Disney Parks planning. You’ll be better off planning the trip months in advance (twelve months even) for a lot of reasons, but one of them is you need time to think about everything you want to do.
Make your thoughts known
Now that you know what you want to do, make it known. Introverts tend to go with the flow and do what the group wants to do. Don’t be afraid to speak up and mention things you want to do—or sometimes more importantly, things you don’t want to do. (No, Susan, we’re not doing Monsters Inc. Laugh Floor. I’m not becoming part of that show again.)

Create a flexible, laid-back plan
Do you live a pretty chill life back home? You probably do. Introverts tend to keep a pretty open and simple schedule. Try to replicate that while on vacation. Take midday breaks from the parks. Recharge time! And you’ll also avoid the hottest part of the day.
Spend two days at each park
It can be overwhelming when you cram too much into one trip. Understand you won’t see and do it all, and that’s okay. But two days in each park will help. The other reason to do this? There’s something reassuring and exciting felt on your second day at each park. By then, the place seems familiar. You’ve got your feet wet (thanks, Kali River Rapids). You know the basic lay of the land. It’s just not as intense on the second day for our introvert brains.
Don’t share a hotel room
Are you planning a friends trip or one with extended family? Book your own hotel room. After being with them all day long, you’re going to appreciate having your own private space to recharge. (And I’m going to say what you’re thinking—you’ll also have your own space to fart to your heart’s content.)
Go forth and plan, D•Introverts! Let me know if you have any questions.