Five introvert tips while on your Disney Parks vacation

Introversion Insight:
Introverts are planners. They want to be prepared for what the world has in store for them. They like clear expectations. Let’s avoid surprises at all costs, please. They like knowing how to do things, especially around other people.
You’ve researched and planned your Disney Parks trip for months now (I know you, D•Introvert). It’s finally time to go! Here are five tips to consider while at the parks.
Walk and talk
Small-talk conversations can be hard for introverts. You may be perfectly fine with silence, but the others in your group may turn it into awkward silence while you’re waiting in line for Seven Dwarfs Mine Train. This may sound weird to an extrovert, but think of topics ahead of time—even create a list on your phone that you can consult when conversation gets tough.
Another idea is to walk and talk. Instead of sitting around a table, keep walking. You may actually find it’s easier to have a conversation while walking. You don’t have to make eye contact as much, so your brain can more easily concentrate on what you want to say.
Consume liquid extroversion

Did you know Disney Parks pour and brew liquid extroversion? It’s truly a magical place. I call alcohol and coffee liquid extroversion (or sometimes liquid courage). A drink or two can take the edge off your anxiety about socializing, crowds, and attractions.
Help your travel party understand you
Do people ever ask you if you’re having a good time? In your head, you’re thinking, “Duh, of course I am. I’m at a Disney Park.” But it might not be obvious on your straight face. Or maybe you're just being your quiet normal self.
To an extrovert, they may think you’re not enjoying a ride or show because you’re not outwardly expressing your emotions. They need more reassurance that you’re having a good time. I think it’s completely fair to reassure them, but make sure they understand how you experience the parks.
Express who you are
It’s totally okay to stay quiet, reflect, and analyze what you’re experiencing. It’s what we do best as D•Introverts. But I need to remind myself: it’s also okay to show my enjoyment publicly! And this leads me into my last tip…
Don’t be self-conscious
Let’s go back to where you’re waiting in line with your travel party. Do you ever feel self-conscious of what others may think if they overhear what you’re saying to your group? Even though it’s not true, you might think you’re being too loud or what you’re saying is lame to the person overhearing.
One thing I love about Disney Parks is the fact that they are no judgment zones. All walks of life enter the parks, truly. You can feel comfortable being your introverted self inside a Disney Park.
Well, you’re all set. Put those comfortable shoes on and enjoy your Disney day! Let me know if you have any questions.